What We Do
Museum Passes
The Friends purchase passes from a wide variety of local museums which allow discounted or free admission to library patrons. Please see the current list of available passes.
Summer Reading Programs
The Friends sponsor prizes for the Library’s summer reading programs, encouraging readers of all ages to participate.
WOWbrary Newsletter
Funding is provided for the weekly WOWbrary newsletter. Sign up here to have it delivered to your inbox.
There is also an RSS feed, if you prefer.
Special Events
The Friends sponsor various arts and crafts special events throughout the year. Check out the Library’s calendar of events for more information.
Book Sale
Each Spring and Fall the Friends host a fundraising book sale at the Houghton building at 697 Main Street, Bolton, MA.
Additionally, there is a 'Perennial Book Sale' shelf located in the library. Books are refreshed regularly, and purchases are on the honor system with a cash dropbox.
Books to Go
Books To Go is a service provided to homebound residents of Bolton. Each month a selection of books and/or audiobooks tailored to the client's preferences will be delivered to their door. In a month, these will be picked up and replaced with a fresh selection.
Please call 978-779-2839 to register yourself or a loved one.
This service is provided in partnership with the Friends of the Bolton Seniors.
© 2023 The Friends of the Bolton Public Library, PO Box 188, Bolton, MA 01740